October 28, 2010

..I temporarily died

After shooting Estranged Sex XVII: the show, I temporarily died photographically speaking and it sucked...That must have been some time around May and ever since I just hadn't had the time, the opportunity, the guts or the will to take any other personal picture. I dont mean necessarily a self portrait, I mean a personal shot, like the ones I take.

I have obviously been working a lot throughout the summer, (professionally), doing more and less exciting stuff but at least all related to photography, so it is not like I don't touch my camera, I do, constantly, but yet again, I mean using it not to earn money or because there is an event, or a trip, or.... but to enjoy it...

I decided yesterday I had a to put an end to it, and even when I am really busy and blah blah, I have to keep doing what I like the most coz otherwise there is no point in working so hard. So i took the above self portrait and the point being I have already arranged my next shooting sesion on sunday the 7th for my next new project: Los viajes de la abuela/ The trips of my grandmother.

Also Estranged Sex XIX is about to arrive, a new amazing picture (i have been seeing it for more than 6months in my head and its cool, you shall see!) this time with video as part of the piece.

And I am very excited!

1 comment:

  1. Enhorabuena por eso Sandra, por coger la cámara y d-i-s-f-r-u-t-a-r, bien por eso de "I have to keep doing what I like the most coz otherwise there is no point in working so hard"
    Un saludo desde Sevilla y nos vemos el 25.
    (el de los 5 gatos...)
